

Sharing Knowledge

achieving excellence


Our services

– Training & Accreditation Activities

Elevate your expertise through specialized training and recognized certifications.

1- Health Care Reforming Strategies:​

 Pioneering strategies to transform healthcare delivery.

2- Enhancement Of Health Systems Policies:

We support governments in estimating relative health service utilization, forecasting demand, and modeling workforce requirements at sub-national levels.

3- Digital Health Solutions & Innovation:

Revolutionizing healthcare with cutting-edge digital solutions.

4- Applied HTA Strategies & Applications:

Unlocking value through evidence-based decision-making. 

5- Hospital Management Applications:

Streamlining operations for efficient patient care.

6- Applied Health Economics:

Maximizing healthcare efficiency through economic insights. 

7- Patients Safety Applications:

Prioritizing patient well-being with advanced safety measures. 

8- Pharmacovigilance Applications:

Safeguarding public health by monitoring drug safety. 

9- Quality Management in Health Care Programs:

 Ensuring excellence in healthcare delivery

10- Health Care Access Enhancement Training:

 Empowering professionals to bridge gaps in healthcare access. 

11- Gender and Universal Health Coverage (UHC):

Promoting equitable healthcare for all. 

12- Infodemic Management:

 Navigating information overload with strategic communication. 

13- Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response:

Swiftly detecting and managing health threats. 

14- Medical Research Applications:

 Advancing knowledge through impactful research endeavors. 

– Market Access Services

1- Unlock Global Markets with Our Expertise:

Our market access services pave the way for your product’s success worldwide. From navigating complex regulatory landscapes to securing optimal pricing and reimbursement, we’re your strategic partner in achieving global market access. 

2-Navigate Reimbursement Challenges Seamlessly:

Reimbursement hurdles can stall product launches. Our tailored solutions streamline the process, ensuring timely approvals. Let us handle the intricacies while you focus on innovation. 

3-Maximize ROI with Targeted Market Access Strategies:

Reimbursement hurdles can stall product launches. Our tailored solutions streamline the process, ensuring timely approvals. Let us handle the intricacies while you focus on innovation. 

4- Stay Ahead of Competitors: Accelerate Market Entry:

Swift market access is critical. Our agile approach minimizes delays, positioning you ahead of competitors. Trust us to expedite your product’s journey to patients. 

4- Stay Ahead of Competitors: Accelerate Market Entry:

Swift market access is critical. Our agile approach minimizes delays, positioning you ahead of competitors. Trust us to expedite your product’s journey to patients. 

Remember, effective market access isn’t just about reaching markets it’s about winning them. Let’s elevate your market access game!

– Capacity Building Services

Collaborating with GLSBOR enhances your organization’s capacity to analyze health systems, explore emerging challenges, and develop effective solutions. Training activities and consultations are valuable components

– Health Economics & Outcomes Research (HEOR) services:

1- Unlock Global Access:

Our multi-disciplinary team at Clarivate offers best-in-class HEOR and market access services to pharmaceutical and medical device companies worldwide. We blend scientific rigor with commercial awareness, providing innovative approaches, robust data, and expert design

2- Evidence-Driven Insights:

Leverage our specialized team of health economists, medical writers, and statisticians. We offer real-world evidence, cost-effectiveness models, and clinical outcomes research to address evolving market challenges

3- Tailored Solutions:

From internal decision-making to market access submissions, our services span an intervention’s life cycle. We develop and validate patient-reported outcomes, conduct systematic reviews, and create value propositions

4- Global Impact:

Navigate health technology assessment (HTA) landscapes, meet payer demands, and communicate value effectively. Our evidence-based tools and communication strategies drive successful market entry

5- Trustworthy Data:

 Equipping institutions with curated data, flexible solutions, and unbiased expertise, we deliver impactful research outcomes for informed healthcare decision-making

5- Trustworthy Data:

 Equipping institutions with curated data, flexible solutions, and unbiased expertise, we deliver impactful research outcomes for informed healthcare decision-making

– Access To Evidence-Based Tools

As a partner, you gain access to GLSBOR’s evidence-based tools and resources. These tools can inform policy decisions, enhance performance assessment, and improve health outcomes.s

– Health Policy Analysis services

1- Evidence-Based Insights:

Our independent consulting firm specializes in rigorous methods to generate evidence for informed health and aged care policy decisions. 

2- Forecasting and Modeling:

We support governments in estimating relative health service utilization, forecasting demand, and modeling workforce requirements at sub-national levels. 

3- Influencing Clinical Practice:

 Primary care researchers can use our powerful health policy analysis framework to inform meaningful policy change and influence clinical practice

4- Shaping Policies:

Health policy analysts play a crucial role in shaping policies that affect public health, framing laws, and promoting community well-being .

– Market Research Services .

1- Craft and Share Your Product Narrative:

Develop a comprehensive strategy to reach all stakeholders. 

2- Formulate an Inclusive Access Plan:

Create an engaging story around your product.

3- Synthesize Convincing Evidence:

Compile powerful data and insights. 

4- Articulate Value to Stakeholders:

Effectively communicate benefits, supporting technical recommendations, and medical messages

– Health Regulatory and Public Affairs Services.

1- Identification of Applicable Requirements:

  • Regulatory bodies assess and identify relevant requirements, including regulatory mandates, market trends, and customer expectations.
  • This involves understanding legal frameworks, industry standards, and guidelines specific to healthcare.

2- Developing Regulatory Strategy and Submissions:

  • Regulatory professionals collaborate with healthcare organizations to create effective strategies for product development, approval, and market access.
  • They prepare and submit regulatory documents to health authorities, ensuring compliance with regulations.

3- Compliance Assurance Process Implementation:

  • Regulatory bodies oversee adherence to established standards within healthcare facilities.
  • They monitor processes, policies, and practices to ensure compliance with safety, quality, and ethical norms.

4- Direct Access to On-Call Consulting Support:

  • Healthcare professionals can seek guidance from regulatory experts on complex issues.
  • These experts provide real-time advice, helping organizations navigate regulatory challenges.

5- Regulatory and Research Q&A Style Support:

  • Regulatory services offer a platform for healthcare professionals to seek answers related to regulations, research, and best practices.
  • This Q&A support enhances knowledge and promotes informed decision-making.

6- Monthly Reports on Health and Environmental Requirements:

  • Regulatory bodies compile reports on health-related regulations, environmental impact, and their effects on customers.
  • These reports inform stakeholders and guide policy improvements.

– Digital Health Services

Empower patients and healthcare providers through innovative technologies. From telehealth consultations to AI-driven diagnostics, these services enhance access, efficiency, and patient outcomes. Our commitment lies in bridging the gap between cutting-edge technology and compassionate care.

Global Society Of Biologicals And Outcomes Research

(GLSBOR).  As an international scientific society, with non profit activities ,  GLSBOR plays a crucial role in supporting and improving health systems through evidence-based tools.for achieving the following   objectives

  • Providing analytic and evaluative descriptions of different health systems and systematically monitoring developments.
  • Exploring how health systems ‘work’ through secondary and comparative research, multi-disciplinary studies and policy briefs on key and emerging challenges.
  • Enhance Performance assessment by supporting the development and interpretation of indicators for practical policy use and to help improve performance.
  • Sharing the knowledge   by making GLSBOR evidence visible and useful to its target audiences by unpacking and sharing it in a range of formats.

And managing the following challenges

 Economics of wellbeing and wellbeing frameworks.

  • Enhance Public Heath through Effective Governance.
  •  Developing Organizational models, skill mix and financing for effective integrated care.
  •  Enhance Implementing organizational and technological innovation.